Results for 'Natalia S. Gavrilova'

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  1.  24
    Correspondence.Leonard Hayflick, Leonid A. Gavrilov, Natalia S. Gavrilova & Robin Holliday - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (8):591-595.
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  2. From Gavrilov, Leonid, A. and Gavrilova, Natalia, S.L. A. Gavrilov & N. S. Gavrilova - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (8):592-593.
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    Human Longevity: Nature vs. Nurture—Fact or Fiction.Bruce A. Carnes, S. Jay Olshansky, Leonid Gavrilov, Natalia Gavrilova & Douglas Grahn - 1998 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 42 (3):422-441.
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    Perceived emotional intelligence facilitates cognitive-emotional processes of adaptation to an acute stressor.Natalia S. Ramos, Pablo Fernandez-Berrocal & Natalio Extremera - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (4):758-772.
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    Waves of Change Within Civil Society in Latin America: Mexico City and São Paulo.Natália S. Bueno & Adrian Gurza Lavalle - 2011 - Politics and Society 39 (3):415-450.
    For the past half a century, Latin American scholars have been pointing toward the emergence of new social actors as agents of social and political democratization. The first wave of actors was characterized by the emergence of novel agents—mainly, new popular movements—of social transformation. At first, the second wave, epitomized by nongovernmental organizations, was celebrated as the upsurge of a new civil society, but later on, it was the target of harsh criticism. The literature often portrays this development in Latin (...)
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    La tercera persona: una propuesta antropológico-filosófica delimitada frente al planteamiento sociológico.Natalia S. García Pérez - 2016 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 41 (1):55-77.
    Frente al paradigma diádico preponderante en la teoría social, recientes propuestas reivindican la función del tercero. En estas teorías, el tercero personaliza el orden social normativo –surgido en la relación diádica– y atribuye empíricamente el reconocimiento como persona. Frente a este planteamiento empírico, proponemos un enfoque trascendental antropológico-filosófico, según el cual la estructura tri-posicional de las relaciones sociales constituye la condición de posibilidad de la cultura normativa y del modo de ser propio del hombre en cuanto que persona.
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    La raíz común de los enfoques “epistemológico” y “gnoseológico” de la pregunta por la ciencia del materialismo gnoseológico: el dualismo cartesiano.Juan B. Fuentes & Natalia S. García Pérez - 2007 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 40 (5):119-139.
    This work tries to demonstrate, in first place, that the “gnoseological” approach to the question for the science defended by Gustavo Bueno in fact only fits in the gnoseological materialism, the theory proposed by Bueno, while adequationism, theoreticism and descriptionsm would be theories of the science that genuinely would adopt the “epistemological” approach. In second place, we sustain that the epistemological and gnoseological approaches are generated in the soul/body alternative outlined by Cartesian dualism, because while the first one conceives the (...)
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    Human longevity: Nature vs. nurture-fact or fiction.Natalia Gavrilova & Grahn T. Douglas - 1999 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 42:3.
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    A Survey of Physicians’ Attitudes toward Decision-Making Authority for Initiating and Withdrawing VA-ECMO: Results and Ethical Implications for Shared Decision Making.Joseph J. Fins, Thomas Mangione, Paul J. Christos, Cathleen A. Acres, Alexander V. Orfanos, Meredith Stark, Natalia S. Ivascu & Ellen C. Meltzer - 2016 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 27 (4):281-289.
    Objective Although patients exercise greater autonomy than in the past, and shared decision making is promoted as the preferred model for doctor-patient engagement, tensions still exist in clinical practice about the primary locus of decision-making authority for complex, scarce, and resource-intensive medical therapies: patients and their surrogates, or physicians. We assessed physicians’ attitudes toward decisional authority for adult venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA-ECMO), hypothesizing they would favor a medical locus. Design, Setting, Participants A survey of resident/fellow physicians and internal medicine (...)
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  10.  27
    El ‘hombre entero’ de Simmel: una crítica de las bases antropológicas de la ética kantiana y de la economía monetaria.Natalia S. García Pérez - 2012 - Agora 31 (1).
    El presente trabajo trata de demostrar que a la luz del concepto de ‘hombre entero’o ‘personalidad’ de Simmel se revela cierto isomorfismo estructural entre el hombre éticokantiano y el hombre económico moderno. Para ello, se analiza en primer lugar la críticaque Simmel dirige desde dicho concepto contra la concepción antropológica presupuesta enla ética de Kant. En segundo lugar, se examina la relación que se genera entre el hombre yla cultura como consecuencia del desarrollo de la economía monetaria y de lo (...)
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    Religious education in the context of means of formation of inter-confessional accord.Natalia Gavrilova - 2014 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 70:45-53.
    At the beginning of the 21st century, when mankind faced with persistent misconceptions and misunderstandings and contradictions in the field of religion and culture, issues of tolerance and non-discrimination, freedom of religion and belief, the place of religion and educational technologies in the formation of interfaith agreement became relevant. It should be noted that education has always played a leading role in the transfer from generation to generation and consolidation of historically stable cultural and religious values, in training people in (...)
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    Exploring Strategies to Optimise the Impact of Food-Specific Inhibition Training on Children’s Food Choices.Lucy Porter, Fiona B. Gillison, Kim A. Wright, Frederick Verbruggen & Natalia S. Lawrence - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Food-specific inhibition training (FSIT) is a computerised task requiring response inhibition to energy-dense foods within a reaction-time game. Previous work indicates that FSIT can increase the number of healthy foods (relative to energy-dense foods) children choose, and decrease calories consumed from sweets and chocolate. Across two studies, we explored the impact of FSIT variations (e.g., different response signals, different delivery modes) on children’s food choices within a time-limited hypothetical food-choice task. In Study 1, we varied the FSIT Go/No-Go signals to (...)
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    A Randomised Controlled Trial of Inhibitory Control Training for Smoking Cessation: Outcomes, Mediators and Methodological Considerations.Laura K. Hughes, Melissa J. Hayden, Jason Bos, Natalia S. Lawrence, George J. Youssef, Ron Borland & Petra K. Staiger - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Objective: Inhibitory control training has shown promise for improving health behaviours, however, less is known about its mediators of effectiveness. The current paper reports whether ICT reduces smoking-related outcomes such as craving and nicotine dependence, increases motivation to quit and whether reductions in smoking or craving are mediated by response inhibition or a devaluation of smoking stimuli.Method: Adult smokers were randomly allocated to receive 14 days of smoking-specific ICT or active control training. Participants were followed up to 3-months post-intervention. This (...)
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    Sobre Bíos y Éthos. Un enfoque contemporáneo.Urbano Ferrer, Arantza Etxeberria, Álvaro Moreno, Ruth García Chico, José Luis González Recio, Luciano Espinosa Rubio, Begoña ROMÁN, Margarita Boladeras, Juan B. Fuentes & Natalia S. GARCÍA PÉREZ - 2007 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 40:3.
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    The Content Analysis of the Russian Federal and Regional Basic Legislation on the Cultural Policy.Natalia P. Koptseva, Vladimir S. Luzan, Veronica A. Razumovskaya & Vladimir I. Kirko - 2017 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 30 (1):23-50.
    The content-analysis of the Russian federal and regional basic legislation on the cultural policy has indicated a need in a deep revision of all existing regulatory legal acts, which support the state cultural policy implementation towards building a universal terminology and vesting the functions on the cultural policy implementation in the government as opposed to the statement of the departmental specific approach to the culture.
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  16. Komitmen organisasi Dan organizational citizenship behavior pada karyawan call centre di pt. X.Natalia Teresia & P. Tommy Y. S. Suyasa - 2008 - Phronesis (Misc) 10 (2).
    The aim of this research is to find a relationship between organizational commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) on Call Centre employee. Organizational commitment is degree which is the employee identify and internalize the organizational values, which makes the employee wants to stay in organization. OCB is employee’s voluntary behavior, beyond job’s description, and contribute toward organizational efectivity. This research is using Spearman-rank order coefficients of correlations formula. The finding reveals that there is a relationship between organizational commitment and OCB (...)
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    The Birth of Techno-Logos.Natalia Ortiz Maldonado & Gonzalo S. Aguirre - 2019 - Philosophy Today 63 (3):601-610.
    We propose to approach Simondon’s writing as a techno-aesthetic object, as a singular prose of thought. To do so requires assuming Simondon’s technological proposal as the creation of a new mode of knowledge about the technicality of objects, abandoning the idea that the word “technology” can serve to designate a given state of things. This proposal, cultural and educational at the same time, requires a new way of approaching the world, starting with the way we approach reading. The techno-aesthetics of (...)
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    The Perceived Impact of COVID-19 on Student Well-Being and the Mediating Role of the University Support: Evidence From France, Germany, Russia, and the UK.Maria S. Plakhotnik, Natalia V. Volkova, Cuiling Jiang, Dorra Yahiaoui, Gary Pheiffer, Kerry McKay, Sonja Newman & Solveig Reißig-Thust - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The rapid and unplanned change to teaching and learning in the online format brought by COVID-19 has likely impacted many, if not all, aspects of university students' lives worldwide. To contribute to the investigation of this change, this study focuses on the impact of the pandemic on student well-being, which has been found to be as important to student lifelong success as their academic achievement. Student well-being has been linked to their engagement and performance in curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities, (...)
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    Judgements of Social Dominance From Faces and Related Variables.Josefa N. S. Pandeirada, Mariana Madeira, Natália Lisandra Fernandes, Patrícia Marinho & Marco Vasconcelos - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Early Rearing Conditions Affect Monoamine Metabolite Levels During Baseline and Periods of Social Separation Stress: A Non-human Primate Model (Macaca mulatta).Elizabeth K. Wood, Natalia Gabrielle, Jacob Hunter, Andrea N. Skowbo, Melanie L. Schwandt, Stephen G. Lindell, Christina S. Barr, Stephen J. Suomi & J. Dee Higley - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:624676.
    A variety of studies show that parental absence early in life leads to deleterious effects on the developing CNS. This is thought to be largely because evolutionary-dependent stimuli are necessary for the appropriate postnatal development of the young brain, an effect sometimes termed the “experience-expectant brain,” with parents providing the necessary input for normative synaptic connections to develop and appropriate neuronal survival to occur. Principal among CNS systems affected by parental input are the monoamine systems. In the present study,N= 434 (...)
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    El legado filosófico de Samuel Schkolnik.Nicolás Zavadivker, Natalia Zavadivker & Samuel Scholnik - 2012 - San Miguel de Tucumán [Argentina]: Instituto de Epistemología, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán.
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    Luigi Caranti, Kant’s Political Legacy: Human Rights, Peace, Progress, Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2017.Natalia Lerussi - 2018 - Filozofija I Društvo 29 (4):629-633.
    Luigi Caranti, Kant’s Political Legacy: Human Rights, Peace, Progress, Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2017 Natalia Lerussi.
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    Children’s literature of the Soviet period as a source of philosophical ideas (case of Nikolai Nosov).Natalia Beresneva & Alexander Vnutskikh - 2018 - Human Affairs 28 (2):160-170.
    The relevance of the research is due to the interest of modern science in the successful experience of comprehending social reality and of social forecasting in forms nontrivial for systematic rational thinking. T topic is especially important in the context of global instability, in which human civilization has been living for the last decades. The main question is the possible existence of a critical philosophy in terms of the ideological pressure of the Soviet period. The author substantiates the hypothesis that (...)
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    Consumer Behavior in Shopping Streets: The Importance of the Salesperson's Professional Personal Attention.Natalia Medrano, Cristina Olarte-Pascual, Jorge Pelegrín-Borondo & Yolanda Sierra-Murillo - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    How Could Children’s Storybooks Promote Empathy? A Conceptual Framework Based on Developmental Psychology and Literary Theory.Natalia Kucirkova - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    C.S. Peirce and the Nested Continua Model of Religious Interpretation.Natalia Lukianova & Elena Fell - 2017 - Philosophical Quarterly 67 (266):177-179.
    The nested continua model is a visual methodological device, consisting in the graphic representation of a series of concentric circles representing successive contexts, within which a particular problem can be examined, ranging from the most specific to the least specific. It is ‘not fundamentally about Peirce’ (p. 3); however, Slater draws on Peirce’s ability to accommodate ‘distinctions of enormous gravity’ (p. 4) required in theology and acknowledges that his own model is analogous to Peirce’s Existential Graphs.
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    The “Ethical” Dimension of Heidegger's Philosophy: Consideration of Ethics in Its Original Source.Natalia A. Artemenko - 2016 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 54 (1):62-75.
    “Heidegger and Ethics” remains a controversial topic among Heidegger scholars. What appears particularly troublesome is the conjunction itself, [which hints on a link between] Heidegger and ethics. Heidegger proposes to consider ethics in its original source, distinguishing it from morality and from “ethics” as a “philosophical discipline,” which often concerns with social or political issues. Heidegger distinguishes ἔuο6 from ἦ?uο6, preferring to discuss “ethos” instead of “ethics.” Heidegger's main “hero” here is Aristotle. When referring to Aristotelian texts, Heidegger attempts nothing (...)
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  28. Who’s Responsible for This? Moral Responsibility, Externalism, and Knowledge about Implicit Bias.Natalia Washington & Daniel Kelly - 2016 - In Michael Brownstein & Jennifer Saul (eds.), Implicit Bias and Philosophy, Volume 2: Moral Responsibility, Structural Injustice, and Ethics. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    In this paper we aim to think systematically about, formulate, and begin addressing some of the challenges to applying theories of moral responsibility to behaviors shaped by a particular subset of unsettling psychological complexities: namely, implicit biases.
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    The diversity of manifestations of the social service of religious communities.N. Gavrilova - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 48:70-77.
    The activities of religious organizations are aimed primarily at augmenting spiritual values, but are also relevant to the needs of a person's social life. For many centuries, social issues have been important, and they remain relevant today. Right now, they are receiving special attention, because the level of social life in Ukraine is not the best. In this case, the role of the Church as a social institution is ancillary to the healing of society.
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    Self-tracking, background(s) and hermeneutics. A qualitative approach to quantification and datafication of activity.Natalia Juchniewicz & Michał Wieczorek - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (1):133-154.
    In this article, we address the case of self-tracking as a practice in which two meaningful backgrounds (physical world and technological infrastructure) play an important role as the spatial dimension of human practices. Using a (post)phenomenological approach, we show how quantification multiplies backgrounds, while at the same time generating data about the user. As a result, we can no longer speak of a unified background of human activity, but of multiple dimensions of this background, which, additionally, is perceived as having (...)
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    Association between Children's Physical Activity and Parental Practices Enhancing Children's Physical Activity: The Moderating Effects of Children's BMI z-Score.Natalia Liszewska, Urte Scholz, Theda Radtke, Karolina Horodyska, Michal Liszewski & Aleksandra Luszczynska - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Politics of memory, urban space and the discourse of counterhegemonic commemoration: a discourse-ethnographic analysis of the ‘Living Memorial’ in Budapest’s ‘Liberty Square’.Natalia Krzyżanowska - 2023 - Critical Discourse Studies 20 (5):540-560.
    This study analyses of the Living Memorial: a counter-monumental installation located since 2014 in the highly contested Szabadság (‘Liberty’) Square in central Budapest, Hungary. The focus on the LM allows showcasing it as a unique type of commemorative installation that not only contests the current Hungarian top-down, hegemonic narrations and practices of memory but also counteracts the country’s politicised and ideologised narrations of the past. The LM is explored as a dialogical ‘nexus’ of, on the one hand, individual, lived experiences (...)
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    Some Remarks on Heidegger’s Interpretation of Kant.Natalia Artemenko - 2015 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 4 (2):186-202.
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    Towards an Attempt to Unravel Normative Assumptions Implicit in Haidt’s Thought.Natalia Zavadivker - 2022 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 19:245-269.
    This article aims to investigate, starting from both the analysis of Haidt’s Theory of Moral Foundations, and his Intuitionist-social Model, if there is any implicit normative assumption in the author in relation to the value assigned to moral intuitions, both in relation to to its content and possible adaptive functionality (a matter developed in the FMT), as well as to the mechanisms that trigger such intuitions (a topic addressed in the SIM). An attempt is made to unravel whether the author, (...)
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  35. Sobre los múltiples sentido s de la reducción primordial y su diferencia con la reducción a la propiedad.Natalia C. Petrillo - 2003 - Escritos de Filosofía 22 (43):301-320.
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    A kaleidoscope - Big wave: Technological rationality dialectics in Herbert Marcuse's work.Natalia Fischetti - 2012 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 14 (2):29-44.
    El presente texto corresponde a la presentación de la defensa de la tesis "La racionalidad científico-tecnológica. Aportes a la reflexión epistemológica en la obra de Herbert Marcuse", dirigida por la Dra. Delia Albarracín en la Maestría en Metodología de la Investigación Científica de la Universidad Nacional de Lanús, que dirige Esther Díaz, el 26 de agosto de 2011. En lo que sigue queremos sintetizar una lectura de la obra de Herbert Marcuse que pone el énfasis en un cruce posible entre (...)
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    S. Pinker about the Comprehensible and Incomprehensible in the Essence of Man.Natalia Rostova - 2018 - Philosophical Anthropology 4 (2):81-90.
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    Lesia Ukrainka in Cinema.Oksana S. Moussienko, Natalia Moussienko & Oksana O. Moussienko - 2021 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 8:184-193.
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    Historical roots of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz’s universal science.Natalia A. Osminskaya - 2018 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 55 (2):165-179.
    This paper analyses different retrospective links between the scientia generalis by Leibniz and the three key traditions of the Renaissance and Early Modern Europe – the philosophical, the rhetorical and the encyclopaedic one. The issue demonstrates the insufficient charachter of the two influential interpretations of the idea of scientia generalis by Leibniz – as a project of elaborating a a method of mathematical calculations for non-mathematical subjects (L. Couturat, J. Mittelstraß, V. Peckhaus etc.) and as a project of an encyclopaedic (...)
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    Ambivalence of the perception of the color palette in F. S. Fitzgerald’s novel “The Great Gatsby” and its coloristic realization in the film adaptations.Natalia Ivanovna Bykova - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The subject of the study is color symbolism in F. Fitzgerald’s novel «The Great Gatsby» in the aspect of an ambivalent understanding of the conceptual solution in the use of a certain color in creating images of characters, in describing the setting and semantic content of the ideological content of the work and its screen interpretations. The object of study is color as a meaning-forming concept in literature and cinema, the symbolism of color. The work of Francis S. Fitzgerald «The (...)
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    More than a Rumor Spreads in Parkinson's Disease.Natalia C. Prymaczok, Roland Riek & Juan Gerez - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Abductive reasoning: let’s Find Out some models.Natalia Żyluk, Mariusz Urbański & Dorota Żelechowska - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    We present preliminary results on modelling structure of solutions to a task involving abductive reasoning. Research data were gathered using our new tool—Find Out, which has been designed in order to account empirically for abduction relatively close to everyday reasoning processes, with the necessary level of procedure standardization. The tool enables to capture abduction as a compound form of reasoning, from both product and process perspective. Find Out is set up as a game that requires playing the role of an (...)
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    The 1917 Break and Its Aftermath: Ukrainian Academia’s Perception and Representation of the Revolutionary Events.Natalia Shlikhta - 2020 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 7:197-214.
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    Courtesan, Hetaira: Sade’s heroine philosopher.Natalia L. Zorrilla - 2021 - Alpha (Osorno) 53:141-152.
    Resumen: Este artículo se propone examinar la caracterización ficcional de la mujer filósofa durante el siglo XVIII, concentrándose en la novela Histoire de Juliette, ou les prospérités du vice de Donatien Alphonse François de Sade. Sostendremos como hipótesis que las heroínas filósofas de Histoire de Juliette se habrían construido a base de la exaltación de la figura de la hetaira de la Grecia Clásica. Analizaremos dos referencias a las hetairai que aparecen en la obra: la caracterización de Clairwil, una de (...)
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    “The Strongest Tie to Unity and Obedience”: Paradoxes of Freethinking, Religion and Colonialism in Frances Brooke's The History of Emily Montague.Natalia Vesselova - 2011 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 30:171.
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    In a Stranger’s House: Social Isolation of Internally Displaced People in Ukraine During Wartime.Natalia Tsybuliak, Anastasiia Popova, Hanna Lopatina & Yana Suchikova - forthcoming - Human Affairs.
    This article explores the impact of internal displacement during wartime in Ukraine on individuals’ social isolation. This study focused on understanding and comparing feelings of isolation in two different contexts: the native community in territories temporarily occupied by Russian troops since the full-scale war and the host community. The research reveals a consistent pattern of isolation characterized by feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and emotional exhaustion among internally displaced people (IDPs), irrespective of their location. Cultural disconnection emerges as a significant factor (...)
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    Feminism in the Borderscape: Juarense Women Against Injustice.Asma Mehan & Natalia Dominguez - 2024 - Frontiers in Sociology 9 (1):1391529.
    This article critically examines the feminist movement in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, highlighting the struggles and activism of Juarense women against social injustices, particularly those exacerbated by machismo, the Narco War, and the manufacturing industry. The analysis explores the roots of machismo in Mexican culture, the impact of the maquiladora industry on women's lives, and the rise of feminist activism in response to these challenges. Emphasizing the intersection of gender violence and legal frameworks, the article incorporates feminist legal theory to argue (...)
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    Independent and Combined Effects of Socioeconomic Status and Bilingualism on Children’s Vocabulary and Verbal Short-Term Memory.Natalia Meir & Sharon Armon-Lotem - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Alzheimer's amyloid beta oligomers and lipoprotein apoAβ: mistaken identity is possible.Natalia V. Koudinova - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (10):1024-1024.
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    Culturally Unbound: Cross-Cultural Cognitive Diversity and the Science of Psychopathology.Natalia Washington - 2016 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 23 (2):165-179.
    It is now taken for granted in many circles that substantial psychological variability exists across human populations; we do not merely differ in the ways we behave, but in the ways we think, as well. Versions of this view have been around since early interest in ‘cultural relativism’ in cultural psychology and anthropology, but Joe Henrich, Steven Heine, and Ara Norenzayan’s 2010 paper, ‘The Weirdest People in the World?’ has had an exciting and catalyzing impact on the field, getting researchers (...)
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